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From Monday 6th July 2020, from 10 am and 4 pm, we will be opening our agency.


In accordance with government advice, we will be available to discuss your holiday enquiries via phone, email, or, if you book an appointment, face-to-face in the office.


The safety of our staff and clients is our number one priority and we are therefore implementing the measures below to ensure our office is a safe place to plan and book your next adventure.


We have really missed you and can't wait to help you with your post lockdown holiday. Let us unravel your travel and let our experience take you there.


Face Masks



We will be wearing face masks and ask that you do too. Don't worry if you forget, we will be able to provide you with one. 


Social Distance



Please try to adhere to social distancing guidelines. We are limiting capacity to 2 customers at a time.


Hand Sanitiser



We will be using and providing hand sanitiser to  keep everyone safe while in the shop.





Our office will be regularly deep cleaned. Screens will be implemented to maximise everyone's safety.



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